Our Accredited Exercise Physiologist can assist you with advice, guidance, support and supervised exercise to give you the best chance of losing weight and keeping it off. We understand that the journey to weight loss can be a long and tricky process, full of frustrations and fears along the way. Therefore we design our weight loss programs to account for hurdles and difficult circumstances that might be encountered. Individual or group exercise sessions are available at our Oakden and Toorak Gardens clinics, and outdoor exercise sessions can be arranged when weather permits.

If you are looking to lose weight, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Having excess weight might mean that there are other health issues that need to be addressed before an exercise program can begin. This could be Diabetes, Cardiovascular conditions, Asthma, Arthritis or areas of your body where you get a lot of pain. Accredited Exercise Physiologists are experts in prescribing exercise to individuals with conditions such as these so there will always be something you can get started with.

Exercise certainly plays its part in weight management, but to get the best results possible it needs to be paired with a healthy balanced diet. If this is an area that you struggle in, ask your GP for a referral to a local Dietician. Exercise and Diet each provide enormous benefits that the other cannot, but paired together, they are an amazing combination.

Sustained weight loss is a long and patient process, often taking between 6-24 months to see desired results, depending on your goals. This might seem overwhelming to begin with, but once you get started and start ticking off short term goals, motivation levels increase and the process becomes much less daunting.

If you need some guidance and support to begin your weight loss journey, call us today on (08) 8331 1557.