Our metabolic management class is designed specifically for people with metabolic conditions. For many of these conditions or diseases, the body does not regulate energy storage and use as well as it should, typically resulting in weight gain. Furthermore, many of the conditions or their symptoms increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases, injury and some cancers. Such conditions include Type I and Type II Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Polycystic Ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and low or imbalanced hormone levels. In other cases, weight gain due to lifestyle factors or injury can lead to further metabolic disease. The right type of exercise doesn’t just increase your energy expenditure to decrease your waist line. Exercise will improve your body’s ability to absorb glucose (sugar) from the blood and alter hormone levels.

In the Metabolic Management Class, participants complete similar exercise typically in a sociable, circuit style class. There are of course individual differences that need to be taken into account such as injury and other health conditions – the exercise physiologist will easily adapt the program for you to suit your needs. Participants will also be required to set a weekly ‘Active Goal.’ With your exercise physiologist you will be taught how to set a specific and realistic physical activity based goal to work towards throughout the week. In the following, you have the opportunity to discuss whether or not you were successful, and if not, what strategies can be put in place to change the outcome the following week.

Metabolic conditions often require regular and consistent treatment. The group management class makes this a more affordable, and simpler option for sustaining a consistent treatment plan. Class times don’t change so there is no need to worry about trying to remember your appointments. To begin with, you will need to see an exercise physiologist at Aim Physiotherapy for an initial assessment to ensure your needs are understood. Once in the class, your exercise physiologist may require you to occasionally attend a review for an in-depth discussion and assessment of your progress. These are typically only required every six weeks at most as you will have the chance for regular discussion and observation of your progress in the weekly class.

What if I don’t want to/I am unable to attend the class?

Your exercise physiologist will be able to work with you one on one and/or prescribe you a home based or external exercise program to your needs.