Sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is an exercise routine and this is particularly true when we have sustained an injury or been unwell. But carefully designed exercise programs are one of the key factors in rehabilitation after injury or illness.

Physiotherapists offer exercise therapy to provide immediate pain relief, actively improve existing conditions, and prevent further injury. A quality exercise therapy program offered by trained professionals will do the following:

  • Build up strength in the areas surrounding an injury, especially above and below the injury site
  • Maintain adequate oxygenated blood flow to the area, accelerating muscle tissue healing
  • Keep joints mobile and reduce stiffness
  • Aid circulation and detoxification

Changing Our Brain Chemistry

Neuro re-education and neuroplasticity are keywords at the heart of new discoveries in exercise therapy. It was formerly believed that certain physical conditions, even those as advanced as cerebral palsy, were static and could not be improved upon. But these boundaries have been pushed.

We now have evidence that the body can re-learn patterns of movement and behave in new ways. This is known as neuroplasticity. A case in point is that of Andrew Short, a young Australian man with cerebral palsy. Andrew has made steps no-one thought possible with the aid of his personal trainer and his own determination. This case has generated much discussion about the future of exercise physiology.

Repetitive targeted exercises are used to re-train the neurons in our brains and change the way our body responds and behaves. This groundbreaking advance has much to teach us about the ways in which exercise therapy can be used to push boundaries and create real change and improvement.

Mental Wellbeing – Pushing the Boundaries of Attitude

When we sustain an injury, we typically see it as a nuisance and something to push through as quickly as possible. But this is a good time to look at what is happening in our bodies. An injury, such as a slipped disc, is not caused by twisting to get the light switch but by a set of conditions that were already present.

Nobody wants to endure injury, but a course of exercise therapy can change our attitudes and behaviours towards our bodies. We may even come out better than before.

Chronic pain, injury and illness can have a significant effect on upon our mental wellbeing and self-confidence. A gentle exercise program works on more than just a physical level. It increases and stabilises the breath, stimulates endorphins and oxytocins, reduced cortisol (the stress hormone), improves circulation, and helps our body to release toxins and improves sleep patterns.

Enhanced Primary Care Plan

Many people are uncertain about accessing the services of a physiotherapist due to the costs involved. But if you have a condition that needs attention, there is government support available to help you access the treatment you need.

To make a booking or learn more about our physiotherapy, hydrotherapy or other therapies, contact our friendly team on 08 8331 1557 or visit one of our clinics and speak with our staff about your needs.